Authors: Nisa Muhammad and Dr. Rozario Slack
This is a marriage education curriculum designed to meet the needs of the Black community. It can be used with couples interested in marriage, engaged, married, and those in love and trouble. It is a eight-session course- curriculum designed to help couples accomplish the following:
• Increase their awareness of the benefits of marriage
• Improve their communication skills
• Improve their ability to manage conflict
• Increase their commitment to the relationship leading to marital stability
Each session includes assignments, homework, weekly affirmations, and new habits to learn. It is interactive, male-friendly, lots of fun and hard work.
The sessions for Basic Training for Couples are as follows:
Why Marriage?
From I to We: The Sweetness of Surrender
Communication: Getting Your Message Understood
Conflict Management
Let's Make Love
From Yours and Mine to Ours
Keeping the F.I.R.E. Burning
From This Day Forward: Forever and For Keeps
Basic Training for Couples is designed to be used by a male and female facilitator. We suggest using it in a group setting but it can also be used by couples in the comfort of their home. Clergy are also using it in premarital couples counseling. We offer a two-day facilitator training to help communities develop the skills and resources to empower the couples they serve. In addition to the facilitator training we also offer technical assistance to maintain the skill level and confidence of each facilitator. We also bring the experience of the program being done in various cities around the country such as Washington, DC with the East Capital Center for Change.